

Welcome to FroggyNoms!

Now that you have arrived here, you might be asking yourself what is FroggyNoms, and why does it seemingly have very little to do with frogs?

FroggyNoms is the personal site of me, Seth Myhre, and hosts my works produced over the years. Feel free to browse from the links above to view 3D printing, architecture, webdesign, woodworking, and writing projects. Or go to some of the sites I have enjoyed or learned from in the links section. If you would like to contact me please use the contact link above, and I will get back with you as soon as I can.

But why choose the name FroggyNoms?! Well you can thank my sister for that little fun title. It basically is two nicknames for me squished into one, and well I ran with it. How did I get these titles? Don't ask we are strangely weird like that. So anyway, now I have a little froggy hanging around the site with the name Noms on its back.

Have fun!